Depression Diagnosis Checklist

1. I do things slowly.
_ Not at all 
_ Just a little 
_ Somewhat 
_ Moderately 
_ Quite a lot

_ Very much

2. My future seems hopeless.
_ Not at all 
_ Just a little 
_ Somewhat 
_ Moderately 
_ Quite a lot

_ Very much

3. It is hard for me to concentrate on reading.
_ Not at all 
_ Just a little 
_ Somewhat 
_ Moderately 
_ Quite a lot

_ Very much

4. The pleasure and joy has gone out of my life.
_ Not at all 
_ Just a little 
_ Somewhat 
_ Moderately 
_ Quite a lot

_ Very much

5. I have difficulty making decisions.
_ Not at all 
_ Just a little 
_ Somewhat 
_ Moderately 
_ Quite a lot

_ Very much

6. I have lost interest in aspects of life that used to be important to me.
_ Not at all 
_ Just a little 
_ Somewhat 
_ Moderately 
_ Quite a lot

_ Very much

7. I feel sad, blue, and unhappy. 
_ Not at all 
_ Just a little 
_ Somewhat 
_ Moderately 
_ Quite a lot

_ Very much

8. I am agitated and keep moving around.
_ Not at all 
_ Just a little 
_ Somewhat 
_ Moderately 
_ Quite a lot

_ Very much

9. I feel fatigued.
_ Not at all 
_ Just a little 
_ Somewhat 
_ Moderately 
_ Quite a lot

Very much

10. It takes great effort for me to do simple things.
_ Not at all 
_ Just a little 
_ Somewhat 
_ Moderately 
_ Quite a lot

_ Very much

11. I feel that I am a guilty person who deserves to be punished.
_ Not at all 
_ Just a little 
_ Somewhat 
_ Moderately 
_ Quite a lot

_ Very much

12. I feel like a failure.
_ Not at all 
_ Just a little 
_ Somewhat 
_ Moderately 
_ Quite a lot

_ Very much

 13. I feel lifeless — more dead than alive.
_ Not at all 
_ Just a little 
_ Somewhat 
_ Moderately 
_ Quite a lot

_ Very much

14. My sleep has been disturbed — too little, too much, or broken sleep.
_ Not at all 
_ Just a little 
_ Somewhat 
_ Moderately 
_ Quite a lot

_ Very much

15. I spend time thinking about HOW I might kill myself.
_ Not at all 
_ Just a little 
_ Somewhat 
_ Moderately 
_ Quite a lot

_ Very much

16. I feel trapped or caught.
_ Not at all 
_ Just a little 
_ Somewhat 
_ Moderately 
_ Quite a lot

_ Very much

17. I feel depressed even when good things happen to me.
_ Not at all 
_ Just a little 
_ Somewhat 
_ Moderately
_ Quite a lot

_ Very much

18. Without trying to diet, I have lost, or gained, weight.
_ Not at all 
_ Just a little 
_ Somewhat 
_ Moderately 
_ Quite a lot

_ Very much